Thursday 12 June 2008


I'm here again... I haven't much to share as last night I was working hard (ok, ok, while I watched the apprentice) creating a little DT project for my demo day in August. Can I tell you how much I love the cosmo cricket blackboard... :) Honestly this stuff is sooo good quality and looks fab naked (I can hear you all giggling now) or covered up... no getting covered in ink as you ink the edges (although I know some of us crafters love getting covered in ink).

So last night, all I did was measure, snip and stick paper. Kev kindly turned to me as I had been working for over 3 hours snipping and such and asked: " Don't you ever get fed up of it? "... *gasp*!!! Fed up of paper??? NEVER! :)

The anticipation is also building for tomorrow... Yes tomorrow I start my new little job with Sugar and Spice. I can't wait. My head is full of ideas and good stuff. Infact any more stuff in there will send me into a melt down and my brain to mush. I have sooo much to do too but I do thrive on being semi~stressed, very busy and occupied. So today I have a heap of jobs to complete. Right now... I'm on top of everything and slowly the jobs are being knocked off.

Also on Monday !!! I have an exciting *full* on day with Sugar and Spice doing a few workshops with Lance from Rusty Pickle and Scrapgenie... ;)

P.s. Emily can write her own name :) Clever lil' thing!


Nina said...

Good luck for today hun!

Anonymous said...

hahaha.. I can't believe Kev asked you that! silly man!