This little guy has been giving me grief... his fave word is 'NO!' right now...

It was one crazy, weird day. Kev's work colleague gave him a lift to work and so I had the car. It was tipping it down though and so we thought it best to stay indoors. Em was at school, Ben had ALL the toys out everywhere and was having the best time. Until, we went to get Em from school, during which he screamed and I mean screamed the whole place down. Even today the nursery manager asked if he had woken in a better mood today ;) So needless to say that yesterday afternoon I had the headache from hell and had decided to put myself off mummy duty as soon as Kev came home!
After a long soak in a very, very hot bath with delish bubbles, potions and lotions I felt calmer and more me. I watched some tv with Kev and had tea... and a large slice of treacle tart which always makes you feel better ;) And then I sneaked upstairs to do this:

I used a mixture of stuff from Studio Calico, Sarah's cards and Angel crafts. I had wanted to use this picture, alittle strange but just to show that sometimes the tiles in our kitchen are spotless and shiny (ha, ha)... and I guess that seens as Emily is starting school in September (where have five years gone??) that its a time for reflection.

I also caught alittle of the programme about monkey babies last night. OMG! how weird was that! The woman driving the car on the freeway and with a monkey hanging on the steering wheel and her lap while on her cellphone to her psychic as she thought the monkey had eaten her pink heart pill or something!!! OMG! Totally freakin' mad. And not too safe, infact if she actually valued that little monkeys life she would've had him strapped in a seat and not be yakking on her phone, concentrating on the road! And then the frilly, frou-frou dress that the other weird couple brought the monkey. That they queried the $28 price tag, yet were willing to buy it lunch at a cafe??!! and then she moaned when the cafe wouldn't have the monkey in there ;) these peeps were sooooo strange. I am still in shock.
And then this morning, we have had words. I want no more 'no~boys' I just want good, agreeable ones! :D And so a chocolate biscuit or two sealed the deal. It also caused alot of mess too ;)
This little boy is a dirt magnet but a happy one!
(for today at least!)