Monday, 30 July 2007
i'm in mourning...(well, ok not quiet)
I have nearly finished Harry Potter too... but am sad to see it end. And I now know what might happen. I've read THAT bit. I guessed it anyway. But it made me cry. In fact alot of the book has made me cry. And once Kevy has read it too - I can finally vent all the moments i've loved, hated, not understood and cried over. One thing i'll add which gives nothing away but has me astounded - when the hell did Ron Weasley get clever???
Saturday, 28 July 2007
Yesterday I went to work at Pandoras in Basildon - well I say work but it's so enjoyable! And Sandra's mum is such a sweetie. I managed to get a little scrapping done and have a nice chat - hardly seems like work...
I am also slowly, although it's quickening now... in mad Harry Potter mode. This book is strange. I have found it one of the hardest to read and have finally got 'into' it. It seems to move much quicker than any of the others...I am really enjoying it though. I always read the Harry Potter books and kinda wish they WERE true. Some of it is truly magical and amazing. I am disappointed alittle though as there is no Neville ... yet, maybe he will show up soon...?!
Today we went to get Ben's photograph taken. We had a big canvas of Emily at this age (actually it was alittle before now) ... we just wanted two large pictures of them at a similar age. He was very, very good. He is very good anyhow. Always happy. Always smiling. And then we had one of the pair of them together and one of Emily. I managed to buy a few birthday gifts too and a few bits for us.... And we had a pizza hut lunch - yum!
I have then sat and read Harry Potter on and off until now - between tea times for Emily and Ben and between playing with them and then putting them to bed. I haven't achieved much scrapping. I've had the stuff out but just haven't had any drive to do anything. I made a little pirate mini album yesterday but need some more black cardstock for the inner pages and have NO idea of what i'm going to put into it. I wish I knew. I'm hooked on making mini books/albums and then not filling them... I don't even know what i'm going to do with them all either. I just know they give me a sense of creative achievement when i've finished them - and that is the point of scrapping.
I signed up for Shimelle's new class too - i'm pretty excited about it. I super love her her atm... along with a huge list which is longer than my arm. But those who know me already know what I like and i'm sure you know who floats my boat...
p.s. Nina has been talking about having her tongue pierced. I had mine done a L-O-N-G time ago now. But things like that are addictive. Same as tattoos... i'm thinking about it. I have done since I had my second one... A week after my first. They are SUPER addictive. I just have nothing yet that I want done. I wouldn't have names... I wouldn't have things that are 'in' now cause you're stuck with them forever. Maybe i'll never get another but you can be sure that if I do - i'll still want 'just' one more...
Thursday, 26 July 2007
I wanted to post this earlier but little eyes were peeping!

one pair of sunglasses + two crazy peeps = FUN!

Sandra (
Shelley (
Michelle (
Barbara (
These are all blogs I LOVE so much... enjoy!
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
I've been tagged!

A song in my he{art}...

Tuesday, 24 July 2007
Music is food for the soul...
My head is trying to gather all of THESE songs in one album. I am scrapping my songs of my life. The songs that make my heart sing...
Monday, 23 July 2007
I'm hooked...
Managed to scrape in my BOB (best of British) scrapbooking entry. I have no doubt that i'll not even come close but you never know unless you try. I know heaps of you UKS girls have entered and a big good luck to you all! It would be super amazing if someone I actually knew won.
Yesterday Emily was busy playing dressing up - she loves hats and has found a pair of cheap sunglasses, I think they were a freebie with something. Well, because they were so cheap practically as soon as we got them the 'sunglasses' lenses had fallen out. Now she has been wearing them as glasses and making us laugh so much. Benny Hill sprung to my mind....

Sunday, 22 July 2007
Tooooo busy to blog...
So did I manage to get much done? No. I sat and yapped the whole time. I managed to make some of my 'travel' album from the kit that Donna had provided for us and the SoML kit tied in so well too so I also added some super dooper bits from there too... but that was it. No piccies in it. And v. incomplete (I only managed to decorate about 6 of the 20 odd pages...) So I have more to do this evening...
And last night I went mad on scrapping two new pages of old pics i've had pre-digital camera of old friends from when I worked a holiday season at Butlins... (I hear you groan..) I am planning on making a huge 12x12 spiral bound book of the whole two seasons, pics, memorabilla etc and diary bits... it will prob be too personal (lol) to share with everyone but I know that the bits will get chucled out or go astray if they aren't put all together some time soon. So THAT is my project for the up coming school holidays. Scrap my summer hol job.....
And then last night I started reading Harry Potter too. Kevy went out and got me the new book. So I have read a couple of chapters but am loathed to stop scrapping while my mojo is going on overdrive... But so far it's seeming very very good and much more grown up than ANY of the other books... I am so hooked on that boy - well actually my secret Harry Potter crush is Neville Longbottom... he is SOOOO sweet. I am eagerly awaiting to see what happens and how the story unfolds. AND if Harry dies.......
Friday, 20 July 2007
Lookie what I got!!!

My little {he}ART...
I am trying so hard to scrap everyday moments right now, rather than those lovely but posed piccies. You will find me during the day with my camera permanently attached to my hand, snapping the tears, tantrums and giggles of my two littlies.
I just really adore this little embellie that once was a piece of fahion jewellery... It looks so sparkly and shiny when the light catches it. It inspired the WHOLE LO. Just one beautiful piece. I am forever scavenging in claires accessories/funky fashion jewellery shops - you'd think my jewellery box was overflowing - but instead, my LO's are adorned with funky gems...

It looks pretty washed out here. My photography skills don't do it justice. I know I should've taken Sara up when she offered to teach me to 'scan and stich' and i'm sure my art would look better. And thank you to Shelly for the fabby inspo! I love that chicks work!
And this is the one i'm working hard on atm... I doodled the whole paper an age ago... I had no 'H' so I cut a 'Q' for the title... i'm getting letter thrifty like that...

I'm late, i'm late...
My ladies were lovely, so understanding and so enthusiastic to get on creating! Wow. We had some super sreative thoughts going on. Real light bulb moments. So we worked til around 2pm and had fun. You know scrapping really is a type of therapy.
And when I got home... I put my little boy to bed and then Kevy fell asleep in the chair and Emily on me while I watched neighbours and read my new CK mag. (I might've shut my eyes too, lol).
I did scrap last night - so I will add piccies later of my 1.5 creations... I still have half left to do.
Kevy has his end of term party for his form today. I hope it goes well. He says they are a good bunch. Well, i'm sure they'll be full of e-numbers as he left this morning with fizzy orange fanta, jelly sweets and mini choccie deserts...
And it's Billericay crop tomorrow! Yay! It will be weird though, no Nina again and no Jane... Last time I was alittle late - so i'm planning on getting there at a reasonable time tomorrow... And i'm planning on being as productive as I was at the Havering crop... I always seem to get SOOO much more stuff done there (maybe because i'm not just having a chin wag for the whole entire time?!) . Donna has come up with a beautiful mini book with the love, elsie Toby papers! I know i'm not going to fill it with piccies tomorrow (our yellow ink is out) but I will have fun making it and then I have a hundred and one projects I wanna get on with... fingers crossed...
And I have a new obssession to add to Amiee's CJ... SIStv.... get over there. The galleries are SO out of this world and i'm loving you guys who *hearted* me - thanks you sweeties.
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Thanks Mrsnosab!!!
As promised...
So ok... here are the goodies on offer today: (I know the college fund is on hold but i'm still undecided how I can work around my childcare issues atm... so still saving and gathering... who knows what may happen...) Again, prices don't include p&p and will be charged at cost. Thanks x
A bazzill basics black album with the 7gypsies paper (heaps- plenty to cover the inside of the album and have some left over) with two DCWV packs - tabs and letters. £8.50
Petaloo flowers - super cute and funky!!! £2
An little mini book pack! I love mini books...!!! £1
And lastly this paper pack is SUPER SUPER cute... A karen foster paper pack with brads (yes, how cute are they???) and two sticker sheets which are cardstock stickers! £10

If you want anything then email me at : And thanks again!
Ice cream towels
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Grrr! Blogger...
Well... here things are ok. Spoke to my sister again last night (she is a total diamond) and feeling better but still not sure whats happening now. My midwifery dreams are on hold and it just seems so is everything else. Poo.
I am going to do Shimelle's new class! Have you all seen??? The ten photos one... ( I didn't do the once upon a time/childhood one but this one I just wanna sink my teeth into. I'm very, very eager for it to start now!
I have FIVE ladies on Thursday for my class so i'm going to be busy beavering away with all of that tonight and make sure i'm super organised and ready to go. Last week went soooooo well that i'm so pleased and really looking forward to time out to be creative from everything that is happening at home. I will TRY and remember my camera too and then I can post some cool pics of stuff we do on here!

I also made, well finished a LO yesterday that I started at crop on Sunday - it has taken me Sunday night and Monday to finish ... it just lost its flow for me and I couldn't get on with it. I'm not sure if I particularly like it now but it has a weird photo on. I am trying to scrap 'everyday' life rather than just the nice bits. It was pretty difficult to scrap because what do you say about it. How creative can you be with a piccie of your daughters fat lip?!!! Well, I tried to match the pink with her red lip and that made me giggle. Only a mad scrapper would be thinking like this. Taking and documenting their childs mis-haps. But I did have the help of finishing this LO with these little beauties.... ooooooooh aren't they simply scrummy?

Monday, 16 July 2007
Thank heavens for sisters and friends...
Here is a piccie I took last week... Yes this is Kev's idea of getting Emily to sleep - he was alseep before her and snoring so loudly that i'm surprised that she ever did drop off. When I get some ink in the printer I am going to print and scrap it. It is so typical of the pair of them...

Good news though - check out and see how much good luck she is having after a rough time just lately. Shows there is hope for us all!
I do have some more stuff to sell... (thanks Sandra) and I will add it on here tonight for those of you who wanna have a peek.
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Creativity chaos!!!

Saturday, 14 July 2007
Things are sent to try us...
At the moment, I feel my life's in limbo... I am torn between being a SAHM to my two little ones or going out and training and achieving my dream. And when I go back and read that sentence it seems so easily said. IF only it was. I have realised that motherhood has brought me two wonderful children, two children I would do ANYTHING for, two children who in my eyes couldn't be any more perfect, two children who I look at and think - they truly are my best achivement that I will ever have, two children who I have wild hopes and dreams for and two children who mean so much to me. Sandra showed me some journalling yesterday while I was working that she had written for her three girls to find when she is no longer here... it really brought a tear to my eye (yes, those who know me will know thats easily done too!) but this writing that she had done at 4am one morning on the back of an old, torn, battered envelope was beautiful. It was truly the same thoughts we all have for our children, no matter how old they are... How I wish that I could journal like that. Well, anyhow along with motherhood too has come indecision... I cannot make a decision. I used to be so free and easy with my decision making. Since children I feel incapable to decide anything. And then when you think you have made your decision something goes and happens and you realise you simply can't do it.
I guess deep down I know what is the right thing to do but actually doing it and being brave, facing all the turmoil it may cause would probably be one of the hardest things that I would do. Guess i'm gonna have to be brave...
Friday, 13 July 2007
This little beauty...

I will be adding more stuff to the market place on UKS (and duplicating here too) so check back tomorrow.
My class was extra cool today. I had a total novice scrapbooker and it was wonderful to see how happy she was learning and beginning to scrap. It was so special. That time, when you're just starting out is the beginning of a magical process. I also had two other ladies who started two gorgeous projects! It is so wonderful to watch and help others scrap - it really is so bloomin' special!
Thank you everyone... it's been a great day.
oooooh and on the study front. I think I am going back to college, subject to my MIL and FIL having the children... The OU course is just worth 60 points and its a requirement that if it's an OU course you need 120 points!!! YIKES! That would cost a whopping £1200 without books and study materials and take two years... Yes, you can't put a price on education but I simply can't justify that AT all...
Thursday, 12 July 2007
Super dooper!
I have a super busy time coming up atm!
Friday: Teaching at Pandora's papercrafts!!! Yeah! And a chance to natter on to Sandra too!!!
Saturday: A visit to my MIL to see her brand spankin' new kitchen!
Sunday: Havering atte Bower crop (if you're interested contact Tanya on UKS!)
Also I have to decide my course options too... Call my sister... Do the washing... hoover up... go over my class for tomorrow.... Do some scrapping.... Do some ironing (!) ...
And of course add a couple of pages to this:

Wednesday, 11 July 2007
He's not a baby anymore!!!