As promised above are the pictures from our little trip out to the 'castle' on Saturday... You can see how much Emily loved it. The first piccie is of her feeding the goose that pecked her... Not that it bothered her - she is on about feeding it some more when we go again! And the second is just SO typical of her atm... You can guess what she was saying (noooooo!) as we had asked her to get off the tractor so we could go and get lunch and feed Ben... The final piccie was the peaceful journey home, when she slept ...
Helllllloooo to all of you who read my blog... I've had a few emails lately from a few of you saying how much you like it... thank you. I have been rather neglectful to you blog readers lately but 'life' has been happening!
I called Barking College today to finally see if I could get an answer regarding the access course fees... On their website it told me that the 'mainstream' courses had no fees... How did I guess that this one wouldn't be a mainstream course??? Well, it's just over £300. And of course I would have to leave the kids with my MIL (if she'd have them, lol!) They are assuming it's a four day, full time week... and it would be handy as it's literally across the road from where Kev's Mom and Dad live. The OU course is £570 and that is for the nine months study and then exam fees on top. I'd also have to be a little more disciplined with my time at that course and Kevy would maybe have to take a more active role in their care while I studied as I wouldn't have the luxury of studying during the day while the two monkey's were around! It's also nearly £300 more and no quiet so specified to the BSc Hons in Midwifery... Hmmmmmmmm... this whole going back to school lark is so confusing. Plus I kinda think if we could find the money for this course - we should be doing much more with it, you get me???
Paula, I didn't think there was any charege for the ~Access courses!
Great pics!
Love the pics! The whole going back to school thing does sounds confusing!
love the pictures! thanks for sharing.. i'm sorry you are so stressed out with this school thing!
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