Normally it's the Chirstmas season when people are inundated with parties but for us it's September. It's the twins on Saturday and I have still gotta make them a card each from us and get Emily to make one from her and Ben. It then spirals into a party EVERY weekend until the second weekend in October when one of our nieces turn 7. I cannot quiet believe a year ago today I was begging my baby to get out. It was so hot and I just wanted him here so, so much...
I worked tonight too. It was fairly busy. You know the kind that you're not SUPER rushed or SUPER stressed just a nice kinda steady busy. We always had stuff to do and I got £20 in tips (hooray!!!) We are paid monthly so as yet I haven't seen a penny of my wages but my tips are super cool and are keeping funding all these parties!
On the decorating front- we have a beige (ok, antique satin) hall way and a semi antique satin dining room. Thank god all the glossing is done. I just hate the stuff. But thats done and I rollered the ceiling in our dining room and hall last night a couple of times and that looks really gleaming now. Despite the big long roller pole snapping and the roller covered in paint whacking me, it's all gone well......
I have a class tomorrow at Sandra's (Pandora's papercraft in Basildon- so i'm looking forward to getting out of the house for a while and it will be the only 'crafting' time i'll get anytime soon!!!
Nightie, night. It's late. My feet hurt and my eyes are weary. xxx
Thursday, 30 August 2007
Monday, 27 August 2007
This orange wall will soon be no more...

... and HOORAY for that! Today Kev has spent the whole day glossing and I have spent most of the evening doing it too. The whole place smells of paint and it's s-l-o-w-l-y taking shape. Things are kinda looking like it WILL be done for Ben and Emily's party on the 9th... We can only live in hope. Well. It has to be done. I'll feel better once the walls are changing colour- which they should be tomorrow- or at least the white parts will...
I have ten party bags to make up too. Gifts to wrap for George and Jessica's birthday party on Saturday. Which Emily is going crazy about. She grabbed her toy phone today and called Jill (my sister and George and Jessica's mum) and asked her if they were having cake and candles... Aww she is sweet and is getting to know so much new stuff just lately. My fave is that she has learned indecision... 'mayyyyybeee'... is her fave new word when someone asks her something she's not too sure about. AND I caught her dancing round the lounge the other day. When I asked her what she was up to she laughed and said 'i'm playing the piccollo...' (I have no idea WHERE she got that from) Also what made me laugh was when she said to Kev '... oh Dad- you're rubbish'... I was howling. Sometimes she just cracks me up.
Saturday, 25 August 2007
Work, work, work...
I am well and truly knackered. Pre-children I used to be up and out working, partying and 'doing-stuff' all the time. Now I guess that i'm just not used to the sort of stuff i've been doing lately.
Firstly- we have a heap of birthdays in September and a heap of parties to attend and SO much stuff going on. Kev goes back to work, its the twins party, Abbeygail's party, Ben and Emily's party (for which I have to cater, party bags, decorataions... and still get them gifts and wrap them) ... Kerry was having her 30th party but I think it's cancelled... And with these parties it's two trips back home to my sisters and the stress of doing your own kids parties (luckily both in one hit!).
Secondly- Kev goes back to work... good in some ways but then the kids will have a heap of readjustment and me too. But we will get back to 'normality'...
Thirdly- We are decorating our hall, landing, dining room and kitchen (they all sorta lead into one) so our house is pretty much chaos atm. And with two littlies we have limited time to paint and keep their mitts away! I have been filling, sanding and moving furniture for the past two days in my spare time and Kev has just started the glossing today. We HAVE less than two weeks to get it all done (we still have new door handles to choose!?!) and we have a party inbetween too.
Fourthly- (if there is such a word) I have gone to not working at all to having to juggle work... kids... realationships... tiredness (and boy, am I tired!) I worked on last Sunday(2-9pm) and Wednesday night(6-10:45pm) and Friday night(6-11:45pm) and all day today(9am-5pm)... all with no breaks, no food and just racing around like a headless chicken. I am SOOO tired. My feet are so weary - I have pulled a muscle on the top of my left one (I am finding muscles I never knew I had) and i'm just totally feeling just zombie-fied. I also, am feeling that i'm nelecting my kids ALOT. On the upside though I made heaps of tips (-so even if I am run ragged, at least I must be nice and kind... or i'd make zilch in tips) £62!!! And that is without pay. I am guessing though that this is pretty much the BIG perk of the job.
Well, anyhow life is crammed just now. I just made time for an hour of scrapping tonight but no idea when i'll put the one LO I did up and I started another which is deemed to be unfinished for sometime.
So anyway, prior to kids I had worked two jobs - nannied and worked at 'jimmy deans' ... Starting at 5/6am and the finishing at 6/7pm and re-starting at jimmy's 8/9pm til 3/4am... I worked at jimmys on Wed, Fri, Sun nights and nannied Mon-Fri. I can't quiet believe how 'with-it' I was on SO little sleep. But now I guess my body and mind aren't up to it... I thought the sleep-deprivation would be easy. You know I have had that for over three years now with the kids but... well. I'm tired.
CHARITY CROP: go here and book a ticket. It is for a fabby cause. It's a charity crop for the Make-a-Wish charity that fulfil wishes for children who have life threatening illnesses (she used to work for the charity before having the kids!) There are some fab prizes on offer from MM, Hobbycraft, scrapbooking wholesales, UK Sponsor, Make the Moment Last.There is a goodie bag and lots of raffles, challenges and classes.Tickets are £20 and details of times, dates etc are on the link. I WISH I could go!!!!
Firstly- we have a heap of birthdays in September and a heap of parties to attend and SO much stuff going on. Kev goes back to work, its the twins party, Abbeygail's party, Ben and Emily's party (for which I have to cater, party bags, decorataions... and still get them gifts and wrap them) ... Kerry was having her 30th party but I think it's cancelled... And with these parties it's two trips back home to my sisters and the stress of doing your own kids parties (luckily both in one hit!).
Secondly- Kev goes back to work... good in some ways but then the kids will have a heap of readjustment and me too. But we will get back to 'normality'...
Thirdly- We are decorating our hall, landing, dining room and kitchen (they all sorta lead into one) so our house is pretty much chaos atm. And with two littlies we have limited time to paint and keep their mitts away! I have been filling, sanding and moving furniture for the past two days in my spare time and Kev has just started the glossing today. We HAVE less than two weeks to get it all done (we still have new door handles to choose!?!) and we have a party inbetween too.
Fourthly- (if there is such a word) I have gone to not working at all to having to juggle work... kids... realationships... tiredness (and boy, am I tired!) I worked on last Sunday(2-9pm) and Wednesday night(6-10:45pm) and Friday night(6-11:45pm) and all day today(9am-5pm)... all with no breaks, no food and just racing around like a headless chicken. I am SOOO tired. My feet are so weary - I have pulled a muscle on the top of my left one (I am finding muscles I never knew I had) and i'm just totally feeling just zombie-fied. I also, am feeling that i'm nelecting my kids ALOT. On the upside though I made heaps of tips (-so even if I am run ragged, at least I must be nice and kind... or i'd make zilch in tips) £62!!! And that is without pay. I am guessing though that this is pretty much the BIG perk of the job.
Well, anyhow life is crammed just now. I just made time for an hour of scrapping tonight but no idea when i'll put the one LO I did up and I started another which is deemed to be unfinished for sometime.
So anyway, prior to kids I had worked two jobs - nannied and worked at 'jimmy deans' ... Starting at 5/6am and the finishing at 6/7pm and re-starting at jimmy's 8/9pm til 3/4am... I worked at jimmys on Wed, Fri, Sun nights and nannied Mon-Fri. I can't quiet believe how 'with-it' I was on SO little sleep. But now I guess my body and mind aren't up to it... I thought the sleep-deprivation would be easy. You know I have had that for over three years now with the kids but... well. I'm tired.
CHARITY CROP: go here and book a ticket. It is for a fabby cause. It's a charity crop for the Make-a-Wish charity that fulfil wishes for children who have life threatening illnesses (she used to work for the charity before having the kids!) There are some fab prizes on offer from MM, Hobbycraft, scrapbooking wholesales, UK Sponsor, Make the Moment Last.There is a goodie bag and lots of raffles, challenges and classes.Tickets are £20 and details of times, dates etc are on the link. I WISH I could go!!!!
Thursday, 23 August 2007
I LOVE halloween...
This boy loves his food...

...I can't believe how well my two eat. Both have been 'jar' babie which hasn't been my idea of weaning but its all they would eat intially and i'm glad now. They are super eaters and will eat almot anything - even chilli stuff! Wow.
Now Ben is on 'real' food. Not just teething biscuits or baby stuff. But stuff that is real. Like filled pasta, pizza (yummy - we had a huge veg one the other day which was pilled high with gorgeous stuff!) wedges, chips, beef, chicken, salmon and heaps more. We are having stir fry tonight and it will be Ben's first. He's gonna be a foodie like the rest of us...!
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Our little growing project...

...isn't it amazing that the things that we take for granted small people just are in such amazement over them? Emily is fascinated by her cress she is growing. Seeing it every morning and that it has grwon even more! Her face has SO much wonder on it, it's really beautiful to see her curiosity grow and her thirst to know more and more about the world.
I am actually pretty surprised how quickly our cress seeds are growing - the top photo is day one and the bottom one is day two. Today is day three - and our cress are so tall now!!! Yay! Emily is dying to eat them although cress isn't that appetising. Still she is learning all about seeds and growth and enjoying every minute of it.
It's gonna be a cool scrapping little project once we're all grown and eaten too.
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
LO's! Eventually!!!

... the lighting is all wrong. I took them at night, which is always a bad thing. I can't seem to get my flash right on my camera - or at least I am never happy with it and so I take piccies with no flash and then, of course unless they are taken in the day they are usually pretty tungsten orange-y... But you get the whole idea of these LO's. The new SoML kit this month is my fave!!! Sorry for no piccie but you know I just had to use it the minute it came. The minute I got my hands on these two precious boxes I just tore them open and used them all. The star papers are to did for. The sei 'kaboom' range (or whatever it is) is so fab and the bam pop rnage needs no intro!!! Wow. It's fab. Thank you Sara for another LUSH kit!
Not perfect but getting there...

... I think I need to alter the contrasts on both the colour and the black and white parts of the picture but the idea is all there. I'm just loving that book. It really is gonna add SO much more to my scrap booking and infact it probably means ALL of those photographs I thought I couldn't use I will be able to because some sort of technique will alter them and will make then look pretty cool.
Last night we has one of our nephews to stay... Emily just totally loves his sister and cried so much when she had to leave this morning when they came to pick him up. She had the fab-est time with her sat at the table- snipping paper and ribbon. Those two had such fun...
Monday, 20 August 2007
I have learnt... do this with my piccies. I have wanted to do it for ages. And since having the computer tricks by CK i'm hooked! Wow. this is a must have for scrappers. There are some fabby tricks to learn and i'm trying hard. Some of it is very confusing. I only have photoshop 2.0 and the book works on 5.0 so some of it is different - so it's a kinda guessing game but it looks pretty cool...
I worked last night too and I now have calves of steel. I was working upstairs and for seven hours all I did was run up and down and up and down with plates, trays, drinks etc... I got home at just gone nine and took a cupcake to bed. I was so knackered. I just fell asleep practically straight away and woke at half past midnight with laptop in my hand...
Sunday, 19 August 2007

I got this (yay!) from Jo (thank you!) and I am awarding... yes, you all know - Miss Nina-bug ( I went to her crop yesterday at Sugar and Spice and had the best time. I met some wonderful ladies - some new to scrapping and some old to scrapping and Nina's bestest buddy who is a fellow Northern lass... It's just so cool to see how everyone works and does their 'thing'!
It was a welcomed break from work, children and all the stuff that is happening at home atm and I feel as if I completed some stuff. I have four new LO's to post but am TOO busy today. I have work from 2-9pm and i'm hoping we won't be too busy - but seens as it's Sunday i'm sure it will be rammed. Luckily my new black shoes are rather like slippers on my feet and so i'm not suffering in my so called hush puppies....
Friday, 17 August 2007
Ben has Moobs...

Ben has 'moobs' (man-boobs)... aren't they just the cutest? I love a little (or not so) chubby baby. The little rolls on his legs and his moobs. Thing is, now he's crawling the whole little rolls thing are going to be gone soon - now he's well and truly on the move.

I have Moobs and I love 'em!
Tomorrow is the Sugar and Spice shop and crop... and I have my gift card full, so £15 of guilt free spending! YAY! Nina has devised the little make - the Shimelle long book! And i'm looking forward to it but haven't printed any piccies out yet.
I have work tonight too... So this morning we went into town and I brought a new pair of black shoes. They are real soft leather, rather like ballet pumps and i'm hoping they are comfy. I am guessing that Friday nights will be pretty busy so here's to hoping my feet will be ok and hoping that tonight maybe i'll be on the bar instead. Waitress-ing just isn't my thing at all. You know me and hot plates do not go together too well. Oh well. Good thing is everyone is super lovely there so thats what counts.
OOOH, today I realised that hey, quiet a few peeps read my blog! Yay. So glad about it. I love blogging and i'm pretty excited that peeps actually read my waffle. No, i'm not a dress type of person. I never have been... my hips are just too lumpy. When I was 16-20 dresses did suit me. But NOW i'm way to fat to carry a dress off.
Yesterday I went and met up with Nina. We had a coffee - well she brought me a large hot choc and she was good with a skinny latte. We put the world to rights and had a good old moan. I really will miss just being able to 'nip' out when Kevy goes back to work in September.
Well ... guess I oughta go and print out my photographs.
P.S. I was thinking about favourite views and chstting about them the other day. My absolutely favourite UK view is when you drive up to Manchester on the M1 and come of and take the 'back' way... You drive through a huge hillside with rolling views of fields, sheep, quainty little stone farm cottages and then heading into the industrial views of Sheffield steel and then back into country side. THAT is my favourite view. It, for me beats ANY beach or anything. It's a view of home. It's a view that makes me feel happy, calm and relaxed. It's breathtaking.
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
I have been tagged again, yay! This time by Michelle ( and so here goes...
What were you doing 10 years ago? Well, I was 17. And partying hard. I went was on hols from college and going out ALL the time while working a part time job and generally having fun. At the time I had a MAJOR crush on a guy called Adam and was best friends with a girl called Donna... Woah. so long ago. Ten years, make me feel ancient.
What were you doing 1 year ago? About to 'pop' my boy out! He came 2 weeks early and in 35 minutes! YES, 35! and no pain relief...
Five snacks you enjoy: 1-pretzels... , 2- strawberries, 3 - crisps (except cheese and onion), 4- any kind of chocolate, 5- those seasame seed bar thingies....
Five songs you know all the lyrics to: 1- (sad but...) the Olivia Newton John cd, 2- the majority of Greenday songs, 3- Dido-Marys in India, 4- I would like to say Flourescent adolescent- the the artic monkeys ~ but i'm not word perfect, 5- Jack Johnson stuff too - Emily loves curious george and if we hear his music we HAVE to turn it up so we can sing along!
5 Things you would do if you were a milionaire: 1- Move into a huge country house rather like Amanda's and have a pool and lots of land to do heaps with, 2- pay for private ed. for my two kids and my sisters three too, 3- pay off my sisters house, 4 -buy some sort of business , 5- shop like hell!!!
5 Bad Habits : 1- Being addicted to coca cola, 2- cussing, 3- not eating breakfast, 4- not putting away dishes (i'll do them, I just don't want to put them away) , 5- not putting my clothes in the laundry basket
5 Things You Like To Do: 1- scrapbooking, 2- sleeping, 3- watch (a lot) of TV, 4- taking pictures, 5- reading And not in that order...
5 Things You Will Never Wear Again: 1- white jeans, 2- dresses, 3- ra-ra skirts, 4- those bloomin uncomfortable shoes!!!, 5- a small dress size... lol
5 Favorite Toys: 1- my laptop, 2- my camera, 3- the tv remote ... sorry I can't think of five!
Where will you be in 10 years: Hopefully somewhere nice and as long as we are happy I don't care!
And I tag... Nina ( , Peechy (, Sandra ( , Shelly ( and Barbara (!!!
Now seriously, I MUST sleep. Nightie night all you blogger gals!
What were you doing 10 years ago? Well, I was 17. And partying hard. I went was on hols from college and going out ALL the time while working a part time job and generally having fun. At the time I had a MAJOR crush on a guy called Adam and was best friends with a girl called Donna... Woah. so long ago. Ten years, make me feel ancient.
What were you doing 1 year ago? About to 'pop' my boy out! He came 2 weeks early and in 35 minutes! YES, 35! and no pain relief...
Five snacks you enjoy: 1-pretzels... , 2- strawberries, 3 - crisps (except cheese and onion), 4- any kind of chocolate, 5- those seasame seed bar thingies....
Five songs you know all the lyrics to: 1- (sad but...) the Olivia Newton John cd, 2- the majority of Greenday songs, 3- Dido-Marys in India, 4- I would like to say Flourescent adolescent- the the artic monkeys ~ but i'm not word perfect, 5- Jack Johnson stuff too - Emily loves curious george and if we hear his music we HAVE to turn it up so we can sing along!
5 Things you would do if you were a milionaire: 1- Move into a huge country house rather like Amanda's and have a pool and lots of land to do heaps with, 2- pay for private ed. for my two kids and my sisters three too, 3- pay off my sisters house, 4 -buy some sort of business , 5- shop like hell!!!
5 Bad Habits : 1- Being addicted to coca cola, 2- cussing, 3- not eating breakfast, 4- not putting away dishes (i'll do them, I just don't want to put them away) , 5- not putting my clothes in the laundry basket
5 Things You Like To Do: 1- scrapbooking, 2- sleeping, 3- watch (a lot) of TV, 4- taking pictures, 5- reading And not in that order...
5 Things You Will Never Wear Again: 1- white jeans, 2- dresses, 3- ra-ra skirts, 4- those bloomin uncomfortable shoes!!!, 5- a small dress size... lol
5 Favorite Toys: 1- my laptop, 2- my camera, 3- the tv remote ... sorry I can't think of five!
Where will you be in 10 years: Hopefully somewhere nice and as long as we are happy I don't care!
And I tag... Nina ( , Peechy (, Sandra ( , Shelly ( and Barbara (!!!
Now seriously, I MUST sleep. Nightie night all you blogger gals!
Good news - I did my first 'trial' shift at the quays in Basildon. It was good... I did wear the most uncomfortable shoes though, coincidentally though they were EXTRA comfy before I left the house. Apart from my feet hurting though it wasn't 'super' busy and Reece, Nikki, Emily and Simon were fab. Well, here goes Friday night now! Wish me luck...
This is Ben (yesterday actually) as a scurvvy pirate (-or not so scurvvy, see below!) Isn't this little bandanna/hat adorable? It was a bargain £1 from Sainsburys! Yay, I do love a bargain...

Today we visited baby Ruby who is ten weeks and now 9lbs 14ozs! And still ever so tiny to me with my two huge monsters! Emily was in total awe of Ruby and sat on their huge couch and held her so sweetly. Goodness, I thought she was going to love her to death. She was never parted from her. And baby Ruby was very appreciative of her picture - well she didn't cry. And Kerry is taking to motherhood SO well and Ben (not mine, Kerry's hubbie) was such a darling 'I would hold baby Ruby ALL day if I could' ... awwwwww how bloomin' sweet is that???
So, when I returned tonight. Kevy was attached to his xbox 360. Playing footie (pro, I think)... and it was nice. I felt human. I felt he was actually pleased to see me. Wow. He said it was weird that I wasn't there tonight. Maybe this working will bring in much more than just money...
This is Ben (yesterday actually) as a scurvvy pirate (-or not so scurvvy, see below!) Isn't this little bandanna/hat adorable? It was a bargain £1 from Sainsburys! Yay, I do love a bargain...

Today we visited baby Ruby who is ten weeks and now 9lbs 14ozs! And still ever so tiny to me with my two huge monsters! Emily was in total awe of Ruby and sat on their huge couch and held her so sweetly. Goodness, I thought she was going to love her to death. She was never parted from her. And baby Ruby was very appreciative of her picture - well she didn't cry. And Kerry is taking to motherhood SO well and Ben (not mine, Kerry's hubbie) was such a darling 'I would hold baby Ruby ALL day if I could' ... awwwwww how bloomin' sweet is that???
So, when I returned tonight. Kevy was attached to his xbox 360. Playing footie (pro, I think)... and it was nice. I felt human. I felt he was actually pleased to see me. Wow. He said it was weird that I wasn't there tonight. Maybe this working will bring in much more than just money...
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
This is Ben today...
Today and tomorrow...
... today I found an email in my yahoo account from one of the girls in our circle journal group... saying she is having money problems and has not been able to post out a CJ until now. I have since felt bad about mine getting to Michelle as, because they travel a way they do take longer than normal - and the royal mail strikes that have been going on for months now can mean some of them have taken a good three weeks to get there. Everyone has problems. Everyone has restrictions with money and time and alsorts - Jess, I am thinking of you and hoping your situation brightens up soon. I totally dig the guilt you are feeling but i'm sure everyone understands... We love you!
Onto money. Yes... I am looking for a real job. It's hard too because now we have no childcare - except school holidays and weekends i'm kinda limited as to where it goes. I have applied to a few places and i'm hoping that something comes up. We have SEVEN birthdays in September and TWO trips to my sisters and my two's birthday parties to pay for (along with car tax, Kevy told me today) so i'm kinda hoping that someone is smiling down on me... Money IS the route of all evil and it's so stressful.
Tomorrow we are off to see baby Ruby - although i'm sure she won't be a 'real' baby any more! I'm sure she has grown and is becoming 'herself'... Awww, I can't wait. So we will be getting up early tomorrow and packing the kids up and heading off to Epping. Yay! Emily is SOOO excited and has drew
Onto money. Yes... I am looking for a real job. It's hard too because now we have no childcare - except school holidays and weekends i'm kinda limited as to where it goes. I have applied to a few places and i'm hoping that something comes up. We have SEVEN birthdays in September and TWO trips to my sisters and my two's birthday parties to pay for (along with car tax, Kevy told me today) so i'm kinda hoping that someone is smiling down on me... Money IS the route of all evil and it's so stressful.
Tomorrow we are off to see baby Ruby - although i'm sure she won't be a 'real' baby any more! I'm sure she has grown and is becoming 'herself'... Awww, I can't wait. So we will be getting up early tomorrow and packing the kids up and heading off to Epping. Yay! Emily is SOOO excited and has drew

Monday, 13 August 2007
Harry Potter
Oooooooooooooooooooooooh, I can talk now. Kevy has finished Harry Potter. And boy, I LOVED it. But i'm sad and can't quiet believe that it's OVER...
Didn't it just start so fabulously? Right in the thick of it. Right in a full on battle scene. OH, I love Harry Potter. It just tells you exactly how the whole book is going to be. You're going to be sat on the edge of the sofa or bed ready to jump up and get in to it...

I wasn't too sad about Dumbledore dying. Well, ok I cried but you know the film ruined it for me. When the actual Dumbledore died and he was replaced. Yes, the new Dumbledore was ok but he wasn't quiet so happy, loving Grandpa-ish... still at the end of this book we knew he definately wasn't.

How amazing and capturing was the fact that Kreacher turned good? I have to say I was astounded and happy. It also paved a little chain of thought that saved them a few times - like when they were stuck in Malfoy manor and Dobby (R.I.P) rescued them...

Who knew that Snape's patronus was a Doe. I didn't, I can't remember it being in any previous book before... but these books have a way to tell us things that we miss or pass off as insignificant until the solution is given. I think thats why I love it so.

I cried. I really did cry so much when Snape died. When he died even if at that point we thought he was bad, after being convinced for SO long that he was good - even when we doubted it. Then we finally agree he's good and he goes and kills Dumbledore, so we think he's bad again... then this is thrown up. He LOVED Lily Potter. Wow. He was truly besotted with her. And he gave everything up for her son because he loved her so much. You know it made me cry. And he didn't actually kill Dumbledore in the true sense. He did it all for Harry and 'the greater good'.

This was probably the most heart wrenching chapter I read. The stone that brought them all back. Those who Harry had loved and lost. The longing you could feel in his heart when he saw them, when he heard them. This really was a book for grown ups and not kids. Anyone who has lost could empathise with this chapter. It was amazing. I guess I totally skimmed over the fact that Harry at this point thought he was dying forever. But I guess I had heard he died any way and to be honest I prefer Neville much more. Harry has always been too sure of himself.

Well, a short summary of Harry Potter. And a short summary of how sad I am that it is over. How can it be? And how cool that Neville actually got to do something super cool by killing Nagini... I was very disappointed he wasn't in it until the end though and the fact his parents weren't mentioned much either. Oh well. No more Harry Potter ever. Boo.
Didn't it just start so fabulously? Right in the thick of it. Right in a full on battle scene. OH, I love Harry Potter. It just tells you exactly how the whole book is going to be. You're going to be sat on the edge of the sofa or bed ready to jump up and get in to it...

I wasn't too sad about Dumbledore dying. Well, ok I cried but you know the film ruined it for me. When the actual Dumbledore died and he was replaced. Yes, the new Dumbledore was ok but he wasn't quiet so happy, loving Grandpa-ish... still at the end of this book we knew he definately wasn't.

How amazing and capturing was the fact that Kreacher turned good? I have to say I was astounded and happy. It also paved a little chain of thought that saved them a few times - like when they were stuck in Malfoy manor and Dobby (R.I.P) rescued them...

Who knew that Snape's patronus was a Doe. I didn't, I can't remember it being in any previous book before... but these books have a way to tell us things that we miss or pass off as insignificant until the solution is given. I think thats why I love it so.
R.I.P Dobby - and still chuckling about Hermione knitting hats etc... for her elf campaign a few books back...

I cried. I really did cry so much when Snape died. When he died even if at that point we thought he was bad, after being convinced for SO long that he was good - even when we doubted it. Then we finally agree he's good and he goes and kills Dumbledore, so we think he's bad again... then this is thrown up. He LOVED Lily Potter. Wow. He was truly besotted with her. And he gave everything up for her son because he loved her so much. You know it made me cry. And he didn't actually kill Dumbledore in the true sense. He did it all for Harry and 'the greater good'.

This was probably the most heart wrenching chapter I read. The stone that brought them all back. Those who Harry had loved and lost. The longing you could feel in his heart when he saw them, when he heard them. This really was a book for grown ups and not kids. Anyone who has lost could empathise with this chapter. It was amazing. I guess I totally skimmed over the fact that Harry at this point thought he was dying forever. But I guess I had heard he died any way and to be honest I prefer Neville much more. Harry has always been too sure of himself.
Further proof that this book was for grown ups...

Well, a short summary of Harry Potter. And a short summary of how sad I am that it is over. How can it be? And how cool that Neville actually got to do something super cool by killing Nagini... I was very disappointed he wasn't in it until the end though and the fact his parents weren't mentioned much either. Oh well. No more Harry Potter ever. Boo.
Sunday, 12 August 2007
Sandpit fun...
Saturday, 11 August 2007
Peechy - how I wish it was...

Peechy from UKS has tagged me - thank you honey!!! Yay! Twice now. Double yay! Thank you to your cool chickas who tag me! Well, anyhow back to Peechy... I feel for her so much, life is very tough atm for her. Just go read her blog ( and see. Life isn't all that peachy for her atm, so sending her thanks, love and hugs at this hard time...
...and now for the nominations please... (lol)
You know what... I can't think atm. I will 'nominate' tonight once my littlies are in bed. And doesn't help I just dropped our new hoover on my foot. OUCH.
P.s. SIL has brought the kids a sandpit. It is the best 'babysitter' ever for Emily. She has sat in there all afternoon and had to be prised out to be showered down. She was green (from suntan lotion) and covered from head to toe in sand. But I had the quietest afternoon i've had for a long time.
Friday, 10 August 2007
Ooooh! Who wants to make a photocube???

I went in to see Sandra today for a while (well, ok nearly two hours!) and we talked about our class options. I know that a few of you want me to do a journalling and doodling class. Well, maybe. Just maybe.
But here goes ONE of our classes at Pandoras.
The photo cube!!! Wow. This one is a fabby puzzler. Great as a desk toy (good for hubbie/partner at work) and much trendier than a photo in a frame or mousemat) We haven't confirmed dates or cost yet but it will probably be a Friday lunch time, I guess unless we get enough call for a Saturday class. It is super easy to make and will take about 2 hours or so but Sandra is really relaxed about times, i'm sure it will be ok to carry on until you've finished the project (as long as you're done before she closes!) ... Please email or call her!!! And book/show interest. And there will be a display copy of the cube in the shop next week - so POP IN and see it for real. Have a play and see if it's for you. (piccie is above)
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Sugar, spice, coffee and ...beavers...
Yes, weird combination. But I know it will make someone giggle...!
Thank you Miss.Nina for being so super and meeting up today. I was about ready to scream. It's been one of THOSE days all week... Hooray for Sugar and Spice though and the fabric shop and those cute little wooden angels and cupcakes and the cute skipping rope I brought Emily for her birthday... (how great is it I can type that and she doesn't know what I mean... next year I might not be SO lucky!) I am so happy now. AND (drum roll please) I think i've got my mojo back...
I am still ~heart-ing~ facebook. How I love it SOOOOO much. Yes, you peeps on there are super cool. And loving the fact that James Palmer has facial hair (gasp!) and Louise looks like a real 'laydeeeee'... God, how I never imagined how overwhelming the feelings would be seeing these peeps 'grown up', having jobs, studying hard and generally being adults. Wow. You have amazed me. It has left me wondering how big George and Bertie are now. That sweet little Bertle-berry will be now 13!!! And George 15... Makes me realise too how poor I have been in keeping in touch. POO. Must get better at it.
And still on the whole loving facebook thingie. Old school friends. Donna... and college friends Bijal. Wow. We shared some crazy times. (sorry this is a totally 'wow' post tonight) Some extra crazy times. The times you share when you're 15-18 and wild and starting out on the road to growing up (or should be) - thinking you are smart, know everything and are super intelligent. And of course, you know far more than your mother thinks you do... The drinking. The being ill. The green light of justice (yes, you all know what I mean!), the rock of justice, the riverside, stig of the dump, Brannie, Bentz, Pamps, Buirke, Timo, Traz, Goz, Lingood.... and then the Barrow lot - Mick, Pedro, Rich, Jim, Pearson, Jamie, Graham... ooooh lots of names and HEAPS of cool memories. Yes. I loved this time. I loved hanging around with Don, Vic, Bijal, Amy, Katherine, Kellie and Chrissy. We had such fun. I really has made me wanna scrap my teenage life. That crazy-ness in which you have no commitments absolutely no need to worry about tomorrow and just having FUN.

And i'm going to be doing THIS as a class. If any of you want to make one... It is pretty easy and probably suitable for a child to play with if you modge podge-d it or varnished it to make sure the photos were super stuck on. AND the possibilities are ENDLESS. You can decorate it with anything - so if you're making it for a music lover - bands they like... for a child - there fave cartoon characters... Harry Potter... (yes, Kev has nearly finished it) ANYTHING... It is a super cool christmas gift too. Leave me a message or email me if you're interested in a kit/class...
Thank you Miss.Nina for being so super and meeting up today. I was about ready to scream. It's been one of THOSE days all week... Hooray for Sugar and Spice though and the fabric shop and those cute little wooden angels and cupcakes and the cute skipping rope I brought Emily for her birthday... (how great is it I can type that and she doesn't know what I mean... next year I might not be SO lucky!) I am so happy now. AND (drum roll please) I think i've got my mojo back...
I am still ~heart-ing~ facebook. How I love it SOOOOO much. Yes, you peeps on there are super cool. And loving the fact that James Palmer has facial hair (gasp!) and Louise looks like a real 'laydeeeee'... God, how I never imagined how overwhelming the feelings would be seeing these peeps 'grown up', having jobs, studying hard and generally being adults. Wow. You have amazed me. It has left me wondering how big George and Bertie are now. That sweet little Bertle-berry will be now 13!!! And George 15... Makes me realise too how poor I have been in keeping in touch. POO. Must get better at it.
And still on the whole loving facebook thingie. Old school friends. Donna... and college friends Bijal. Wow. We shared some crazy times. (sorry this is a totally 'wow' post tonight) Some extra crazy times. The times you share when you're 15-18 and wild and starting out on the road to growing up (or should be) - thinking you are smart, know everything and are super intelligent. And of course, you know far more than your mother thinks you do... The drinking. The being ill. The green light of justice (yes, you all know what I mean!), the rock of justice, the riverside, stig of the dump, Brannie, Bentz, Pamps, Buirke, Timo, Traz, Goz, Lingood.... and then the Barrow lot - Mick, Pedro, Rich, Jim, Pearson, Jamie, Graham... ooooh lots of names and HEAPS of cool memories. Yes. I loved this time. I loved hanging around with Don, Vic, Bijal, Amy, Katherine, Kellie and Chrissy. We had such fun. I really has made me wanna scrap my teenage life. That crazy-ness in which you have no commitments absolutely no need to worry about tomorrow and just having FUN.

And i'm going to be doing THIS as a class. If any of you want to make one... It is pretty easy and probably suitable for a child to play with if you modge podge-d it or varnished it to make sure the photos were super stuck on. AND the possibilities are ENDLESS. You can decorate it with anything - so if you're making it for a music lover - bands they like... for a child - there fave cartoon characters... Harry Potter... (yes, Kev has nearly finished it) ANYTHING... It is a super cool christmas gift too. Leave me a message or email me if you're interested in a kit/class...
Wednesday, 8 August 2007
I'm too addicted to facebook atm, rather than UKS. I am totally hooked on it. Seeing and chatting to peeps I haven't seen/heard from in ages. It is dead weird. Find me and add me - i'm Paula Brown...
Have found two peeps I used to nanny - yes, that makes me feel SUPER old. But super proud of how gorgeous and perfect they are... Weird, it's like looking back and not realising people actually grow up - I was sure they'd stay 14 and 16 forever.
Bad news: no class on Friday. Oh well.
Have found two peeps I used to nanny - yes, that makes me feel SUPER old. But super proud of how gorgeous and perfect they are... Weird, it's like looking back and not realising people actually grow up - I was sure they'd stay 14 and 16 forever.
Bad news: no class on Friday. Oh well.
A blogging break...
...and we have been busy!

And check out his curls...

We went to Walton on the Naze and Ben had the first time on the beach. He loved it but didn't like the sea much. Emily did though. We both went paddling with our crocs on. They are so super and the salt water hasn't done anything to them either. Mine did need to be hoovered out when we got home though...!
And Ben has started to join us eating our food... How excited was he...? This boy LOVES his food!

And check out his curls...

And today I spoke to my good friend over in Oz - she is still a wonderful as ever and i'm sure still super beautiful. Shelley - we love you... get on that jet plane and come and stay with us!!! It was seriously super super super cool to speak to you. We had two fabby years together and hopefully more to come.
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Miss Ladybug ~ thank you!
Thank you Nina for a lovely day yesterday. I went round to play, lol. I took all my scrapping stuff and only managed to do two little pages (and I didn't finish them) ... My mojo just wasn't working. I was, well we were too busy yapping rather than scrapping. She brought me some yummy stuff too! (piccies later! Just have to dig it out of my heaps of stash bags!) I am so happy! I have thought of a million different ways to use everything - including the funky flower magnets...!
I totally pigged out on fajhitas (sp!!) and then we ate choc and butterscotch dessert, drank lemonade and set the world to rights... And I am in love with her two little poochies. They are super cute.
Thank you for a lovely day Nina. It was fabby.
I finished Harry too on Monday night... I cried a heap. It ended kinda different to how I imagined. Once Kevy has read it I can post fully on how I felt... It was kinda weird and I guess some stuff that would happen... like the Albus Severus bit... OOOH i'm sad now that it's it. How can it be. ?I'm sad that Neville was hardly in it at all. I'm sad that its over. Poo. I'll have to search for some more reading material now. It's got my reading bug flowing. Might go and read Tuesdays with Morrie again. I loved that book too. Mitch Albom has it going on with his writing.
I totally pigged out on fajhitas (sp!!) and then we ate choc and butterscotch dessert, drank lemonade and set the world to rights... And I am in love with her two little poochies. They are super cute.
Thank you for a lovely day Nina. It was fabby.
I finished Harry too on Monday night... I cried a heap. It ended kinda different to how I imagined. Once Kevy has read it I can post fully on how I felt... It was kinda weird and I guess some stuff that would happen... like the Albus Severus bit... OOOH i'm sad now that it's it. How can it be. ?I'm sad that Neville was hardly in it at all. I'm sad that its over. Poo. I'll have to search for some more reading material now. It's got my reading bug flowing. Might go and read Tuesdays with Morrie again. I loved that book too. Mitch Albom has it going on with his writing.

These are the wonders that Sara ( for the shop, if you wanna buy this yummy stuff! if you wanna chat about this yummy stuff!) has come up with this month. How super cool are they? Talk about my childhood re-visited. I loved the 80's. Yes, bad hair, bad fashion, bad everything but I was a kid and so who cares! I'm in real 'rainbow-love' atm...
Will post all about Nina's and H.P... later, just gotta go drool over this yummy kit.
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