Didn't it just start so fabulously? Right in the thick of it. Right in a full on battle scene. OH, I love Harry Potter. It just tells you exactly how the whole book is going to be. You're going to be sat on the edge of the sofa or bed ready to jump up and get in to it...

I wasn't too sad about Dumbledore dying. Well, ok I cried but you know the film ruined it for me. When the actual Dumbledore died and he was replaced. Yes, the new Dumbledore was ok but he wasn't quiet so happy, loving Grandpa-ish... still at the end of this book we knew he definately wasn't.

How amazing and capturing was the fact that Kreacher turned good? I have to say I was astounded and happy. It also paved a little chain of thought that saved them a few times - like when they were stuck in Malfoy manor and Dobby (R.I.P) rescued them...

Who knew that Snape's patronus was a Doe. I didn't, I can't remember it being in any previous book before... but these books have a way to tell us things that we miss or pass off as insignificant until the solution is given. I think thats why I love it so.
R.I.P Dobby - and still chuckling about Hermione knitting hats etc... for her elf campaign a few books back...

I cried. I really did cry so much when Snape died. When he died even if at that point we thought he was bad, after being convinced for SO long that he was good - even when we doubted it. Then we finally agree he's good and he goes and kills Dumbledore, so we think he's bad again... then this is thrown up. He LOVED Lily Potter. Wow. He was truly besotted with her. And he gave everything up for her son because he loved her so much. You know it made me cry. And he didn't actually kill Dumbledore in the true sense. He did it all for Harry and 'the greater good'.

This was probably the most heart wrenching chapter I read. The stone that brought them all back. Those who Harry had loved and lost. The longing you could feel in his heart when he saw them, when he heard them. This really was a book for grown ups and not kids. Anyone who has lost could empathise with this chapter. It was amazing. I guess I totally skimmed over the fact that Harry at this point thought he was dying forever. But I guess I had heard he died any way and to be honest I prefer Neville much more. Harry has always been too sure of himself.
Further proof that this book was for grown ups...

Well, a short summary of Harry Potter. And a short summary of how sad I am that it is over. How can it be? And how cool that Neville actually got to do something super cool by killing Nagini... I was very disappointed he wasn't in it until the end though and the fact his parents weren't mentioned much either. Oh well. No more Harry Potter ever. Boo.
Girl!! I can talk for HOURS about "HP and how I love thee" Book 7 was amazing. So many revelations!! Yes, I cried horrible when Dobby died. I always thought that Snape loved Lily, but I never guessed that they were friends THAT long.
OH! Excellent, excellent read.
Thanks for visiting my site and the shoes were fab but i felt like my feet need amputating at the end of the evening the pain was so bad. I have yet to read book 7 but your excitement seems to match all of my friends, one of which locked herself away for the weekend until it was finished.
i decided to read all the Harry Potter books a week before Deathly Hallows was released (part of my scrapping absense) and i finished reading DH last saturday. The were amazing and I am sad that it is over. I can't believe Snape's patronus was a doe either, and i know it wasn't in any of the other books! but he still didn't need to be a jerk to harry all these years, right? but i loved the epilogue and how he and ginny had their kids and ron and hermione.. oh i could keep going!
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