Thank you Miss.Nina for being so super and meeting up today. I was about ready to scream. It's been one of THOSE days all week... Hooray for Sugar and Spice though and the fabric shop and those cute little wooden angels and cupcakes and the cute skipping rope I brought Emily for her birthday... (how great is it I can type that and she doesn't know what I mean... next year I might not be SO lucky!) I am so happy now. AND (drum roll please) I think i've got my mojo back...
I am still ~heart-ing~ facebook. How I love it SOOOOO much. Yes, you peeps on there are super cool. And loving the fact that James Palmer has facial hair (gasp!) and Louise looks like a real 'laydeeeee'... God, how I never imagined how overwhelming the feelings would be seeing these peeps 'grown up', having jobs, studying hard and generally being adults. Wow. You have amazed me. It has left me wondering how big George and Bertie are now. That sweet little Bertle-berry will be now 13!!! And George 15... Makes me realise too how poor I have been in keeping in touch. POO. Must get better at it.
And still on the whole loving facebook thingie. Old school friends. Donna... and college friends Bijal. Wow. We shared some crazy times. (sorry this is a totally 'wow' post tonight) Some extra crazy times. The times you share when you're 15-18 and wild and starting out on the road to growing up (or should be) - thinking you are smart, know everything and are super intelligent. And of course, you know far more than your mother thinks you do... The drinking. The being ill. The green light of justice (yes, you all know what I mean!), the rock of justice, the riverside, stig of the dump, Brannie, Bentz, Pamps, Buirke, Timo, Traz, Goz, Lingood.... and then the Barrow lot - Mick, Pedro, Rich, Jim, Pearson, Jamie, Graham... ooooh lots of names and HEAPS of cool memories. Yes. I loved this time. I loved hanging around with Don, Vic, Bijal, Amy, Katherine, Kellie and Chrissy. We had such fun. I really has made me wanna scrap my teenage life. That crazy-ness in which you have no commitments absolutely no need to worry about tomorrow and just having FUN.

And i'm going to be doing THIS as a class. If any of you want to make one... It is pretty easy and probably suitable for a child to play with if you modge podge-d it or varnished it to make sure the photos were super stuck on. AND the possibilities are ENDLESS. You can decorate it with anything - so if you're making it for a music lover - bands they like... for a child - there fave cartoon characters... Harry Potter... (yes, Kev has nearly finished it) ANYTHING... It is a super cool christmas gift too. Leave me a message or email me if you're interested in a kit/class...
1 comment:
That's a pretty cool project!!
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