Sunday, 17 June 2007

We saw little Ruby!

Ruby was an absolutely gorgeous little doll! She was sooooo beautiful. She also was so tiny. I can't actually remember Emily being a whole 1lb lighter than she was because she was so tiny and so dainty. She really did look like a little china doll. She was realllllllllly adorable!

It seems too that Kerry and Ben are adapting well to a new addition and all the sleep deprivation a new baby brings. I really do feel for them. That wonderful yet very very apprehensive time, where you question every little detail and thing. It's very very hard but oh so worth while! I think with no parents close either it's hard to rely on just your own instinct when you are so very tired and worried about how well you are doing as parents. But baby Ruby is VERY happy and contented. She looks like she is thriving and looks rosy and healthy. She was truly beautiful. And Emily simply adored her. She was so taken by her and spent most of the afternoon besides her moses basket or holding her hand. she loved baby Ruby (la, la, la, la, la, laaaaaaaaaaaa - as the song goes)...

I did though, forget my camera!!! Arrrrrrgggh, you know how much did I want to take a hundred pictures of her... but they are coming round on 2nd so I will have a huge photo op. then!!! No doubt she will have changed so much! Oh, newborns as so bloomin' gorgeous!

Emily sobbed when we left, she didn't want to leave 'Rooooooooobieeeeeeeeee' and I think the fact that she ate all of Kerry's choccie biscuits, strawberries and grapes added to the pleasure of being there. She was distraught wen we had to say goodbye and keeps asking when we will see Ruby again...

1 comment:

Shelly Brewer said...

shame on you for forgetting your camera!! he,he!